Thursday, April 21, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Kari for the award.   You need to check out her blog, she has great style!!

Now I guess I am suppose to tell 7 things about me.  Hmm. . . .

1)  I still have my teddy bear from when I was 2 years old.

2)  My brother's birthday is 04/30/70 and mine is 04/03/73.   (do you think my mom planned it that way.  lol)

3)  My boss is 9 years younger then me. 

4)  I have never watched Titanic.

5)  Told my mom I was going to see Fried Green Tomatoes at the theatre but saw Dirty Dancing instead. 

6)  When I was a kid, my horse stepped on my foot and broke my little toe. 

7)  I'm a very neat crafter, when I'm done with a tool or stamp set, I put it back right away.  I can't have a mess around me when I work.   (I'm strange, I know.  lol)

Now I get to pass on this great honor.   Here is my list:

Christine - Christine's Creative Therapy
Pam - Airborne Wife Stamping
Laurie - Soap Box Creations

Have a great day and wondering holiday weekend.   HE HAS RISEN!!!!